
Disclaimer for CapybaraGoAPK.pro

  1. No Responsibility for Damages
    Please be aware that downloading or using the Capybara Go Mod APK or any third-party content linked from our website is at your own risk. CapybaraGoAPK.pro and its team disclaim liability for any direct or indirect damages, data loss, or other issues resulting from the use of files, applications, or resources shared on this site. Users are strongly advised to verify the safety and authenticity of any files before downloading.
  2. Copyright & Intellectual Property Rights
    At CapybaraGoAPK.pro, we respect copyright laws and the intellectual property rights of others. All trademarks, logos, and names related to “Capybara Go” belong to their respective owners. If copyrighted material is unintentionally featured on our website, we request you notify us immediately. Upon receiving a valid copyright claim, we will promptly remove the infringing content.

Copyright Notice Requirements:
When submitting a copyright claim, please include:

  • A clear description of the copyrighted material.
  • The URL or specific location of the content on our website.
  • Your name, contact information, and any other relevant details.
  1. Contact Us
    If you have concerns regarding any content published on our site or wish to report a copyright issue, please contact us at [email protected]. We are committed to resolving issues efficiently and in compliance with applicable laws.

Note: Incomplete or inaccurate claims may be disregarded.